360° Panorama Photography

The Finow Canal in Zerpenschleuse
The Finow Canal in winter Madenburg - Südliche Weinstraße
The Finow Canal in winter II
The Finow Canal and the church in Zerpenschleuse Ruine Neukastel - Südliche Weinstraße
The Shiplift in Niederfinow The church of the Monastery in Chorin Vineyards - Südliche Weinstraße
The Monastery in Chorin - courtyard
The Monastery in Chorin - western front Kurt Mühlenhaupt's place
in Bergsdorf
Lookout point near Brodowin Lake Werbellin    
The photographs were taken with a digital Olympus C-3030 Zoom camera and stiched with Helmut Derschs Panorama Tools and Joost Nieuwenhuijses PTGUI software.

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